WELCOME ! may your journey of discovery be joyful
This studio policy page is to ensure there is clear understanding between us teachers and you, music student & caretaker.
ANYONE can learn and enjoy learning music. The notion of “talent” is obsolete if you’ve read brain research or Daniel Coyle’s “The Talent Code” book. All you need is to give it a try.
Students, we only expect this:
Try your best to apply what you learned during our time together & put your critical thinking hat on, ask more questions at the next lesson. What worked, what didn’t; what was difficult, what was easy. Bring a recorder device (phone, tablet) to each lesson or ask for the lesson to be recorded so you can review; excerpts can be recorded specifically to what you need to hear that week, and sent via email pr text so that you can review. In addition, by bring a particular song that you like and want to try to learn by ear. Always refer to your own notebook.
For those with students less than 7 years old, a parent should sit-in and observe at least one lesson per semester (4-5 months). He or she should email the teacher regularly to give a short feedback on the learning and other topics. After two weeks of try out, sign the instructional contract to reserve your regular day and time, and follow the following policy.
Parents or students taking individual lessons:
- Tuition may be paid at the beginning of each month. The first two individual lessons may be paid individually since you're just checking out compatibility of the teacher.
- Late Charge: Payments not made by the second lesson of the month will incur a late penalty of $15.
- Make Up and Cancellation
- National Holidays will be observed. Summer sessions are shorter and will be announced in the spring.
- If a student provides at least 48 hours advance notice of an expected absence AND if the reason for the absence is in the judgement of the studio beyond the reasonable control of the student (e.g. illness, family health emergency, weather or natural disaster), then the studio will provide make-up lessons if a time slot is available. The offering of a make-up lesson will be within the complete discretion of the studio.
- The studio does not give refunds, credits or make-up lessons for student absences that are beyond control as cited above. However, if a student misses a lesson for any other reason, they will be provided an opportunity at the end of each semester during the make-up lesson period to schedule up to two make-up lessons. If the make-up lessons cannot be scheduled during that make-up period, no further makeup lessons will be provided. Each semester has different dates for these periods. Consult the teacher to get the specifics.
- Student Exchange List. Students and parents may choose to participate in the studio’s private lesson exchange list. If you know in advance that a non- emergency absence will occur, you may use the contact list (email and phone) in order to try to exchange lesson times with another student under the same teacher. If there is a switch in time slot, please let the teacher know at least 2 days in advance.
- Punctuality
- A tardy student will be given only the time remaining in the student’s scheduled lesson period. Parents should pick students up as soon as the lesson is over.