One on one online music lessons
Individual lessons are offered in these instruments. ALL ONLINE LESSONS until further notice.
piano, trumpet, cello, ukulele, guitar, violin, accordion, clarinet, horn, synthesizer, keyboard
At Mindful Music Academy, we think that individual lessons offers the best instrumental skill learning because the online lesson is fitted to the individual's needs, learning styles, short term and long term goals. In one-on-one lessons, musical creativity can be customized to that student's aptitude and yearning.
Some of our current students in individual lessons are three, four years old. Others are seventy plus years old. As long as you can download Zoom on your phone, you can do online lessons!
Each student is unique with different needs, background and preference in musical styles. Students and teachers mindfully choose together the best option for the kind of online learning a student wants to best develop that student's creative potential. Some like to improvise, use cheat sheets without having to learn ALL the notes, write their own song, play with a background track, or accompany themselves singing. The possibilities are endless.
Music is a tool to learn to get ready to learn, in mind and body. Combining music practice with posture, breath, and focus improves a person's general employable skill, not to mention the fact that presenting to a public now and then is also a public "speaking" opportunity.
Each student also learn differently.
Some may want to learn mainly by imitation and by ear instead of learning to read notes intensely, or learn chord symbols like guitarists instead of learning note reading. Some prefer to learn songs they know in their inner ears, others prefer to learn the skill of reading notes and rhythm. Some would combine many approaches in order to secure a base, and yet build one favorite song quickly for fun. In online lessons, the beauty of it is that you can access these highly qualified teachers from anywhere in the world, and lessons can be recorded and send to you for review, communications is not just DURING the lesson but before, after, through emails, text, YouTube, Dropbox, Google drive etc... Again, when you have teachers with technological tools, online music lessons can be more advantageous than in person lesson. There are group meetings once in a while as well, to be playing music theory or ear training in community. For adult students the community is a great motivator to keep you practicing to progress.
Open and constant communication is the way teachers at Mindful Music Academy and their students (and their parents) keep track of each others' engagement and grow to be the most joyful and skillful musician they can be.
Check out our current 2020 student testimonies videos.